Interior Design Gets Real – Greetings from Karen Buchanan of Collected design by KB

Okay, so here we are at my brand spanking new website about to embark on my very first blog post, you and I together.  Collected design by KB is officially on the world wide web!  I am so freaking thrilled you are here, I can’t even tell you how much without causing a major disturbance, specifically at your home with me at your doorstep.  But I think that might be a super bad way to attract you as a client.  And, make no mistake, I do want you as my client; that’s why I’m here.  So, a personal designer-y-mano thank you, at least at this point, doesn’t seem likely or prudent, relax.  But, now what?  Well, I guess, first and most obvious, I should just say, thank you.  Thank you for being here and thank you for taking a minute (more is better) to visit Collected design by KB (the name’s Karen Buchanan, by the way).

Now, on to new business.  For the last few weeks, prior to my site going live, I swore I was going to sit down and write this, my first blog post–you know, to hit the ground running with attention grabbing, informative, funny, and brilliant interior design blog material.  Like, BAM, people, here I am!  Look no further, you have just found the best gosh-darned designer ever!  It seems, however, for whatever reason, real or imagined, or procrastinatory (yes, I just made that up) in nature, my grand plans seemed to be dashed at every turn and here I am—with you, probably wondering where this is going and what the hell does it have to do with interior design?  Well, let me tell you.

As you may have noticed, I am not some young ingenue.   I have been around the block, as they say, and the next block over too.  So, while true, I am new to the design "business", per say, I am not new to the concept and practice of design.  Some may view this late-comer status as a deficit, and it would be if I had chosen to become a firefighter or boxer or the CEO of a big corporation or something.  In fact, I’d probably get my butt kicked at every turn, figuratively and quite literally in some cases.  But I see my age and consequent experience as my greatest asset.  You see, design is a skill that blooms over time.  Sure, most of us in the business (dang, that feels good to say) just have it innately.  We naturally gravitate towards the desire to make the world a more beautiful place; perhaps starting in our childhood bedrooms, arranging those stuffed animals just so and placing our latest art projects proudly (but tastefully) on display.  But it is practical experience that inevitable refines and enhances one’s natural abilities and that, my friends, I have in spades.

For me, it did start very early in life.  I never thought anything of it at the time, but I grew up where design was an important component of our home and the homes of my extended family.  It wasn’t so much a round table subject where my mom (the side from where my talent comes) would gather us together to discuss the newest color trends or the hottest looks; we certainly weren’t wealthy trend setters, by any stretch.  It was just how we lived.  As a young adult, out on my own, it was very common to hear company say how my place was so inviting and homey, but very pretty.  Perhaps not the rave reviews of a 1st class designer, but I always took pride in such declarations.  As innocuous as these comments may seem to some, what it said to me was that I had achieved something positive; I had affected the way my guests were feeling and there was a pretty good chance they were going to have a great time—AND IT WAS GOOD.  But, again, there was nothing out of the ordinary for me; it was what I knew, just what I did—didn’t everyone?  As time soon taught me, no, not everyone does and not everyone can. I look back now and realize that what I had taken for granted then were the seeds being planted for me to nurture as an adult and I love the legacy. 

Please be assured, there won’t be many blog posts of this nature—the tell-all, late bloomer story of a lovable, middle-aged (I believe I am middle-aged because I plan to live to at least 100), home-maker turned professional interior designer.  Gripping, I know.  But I want to share more of what I do, what you can do and what we can do together to make your home your sanctuary, so I will leave my story here for now.  Over the next few weeks, with a smattering or good old fashions design advice, ideas and demonstrations, I do want you to get to know me.  I want you to understand who I am, why I’m a designer, what my approach is and how I am unique so that, when we do have that conversation (even right at this moment, I sense you are just itching to pick up the phone), you will know, with 100% confidence, you are the smartest cookie on the plate because, not only have you just chosen the best new designer in town, you have chosen a Collected design by KB.  Until the next time, my friends, remember, if it isn’t you, it isn’t home.


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